Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Dump Ground

For our night after Yellowstone and seeing the Grizzly taking a little nappy, mom looked up a campground and read that it had a 5 star rating on beauty and it was rated 3 stars overall. So she thought it would be a good campground to go to. It was the Grand Teton National Park RV Resort. We all thought it would be a good campground. Then there is the arrival. The pictures looked good. So when we pulled in, we thought it would be good like the pictures. Turns out it looked like a big, fat, dump. I looked at the map to find the play ground. Next to the play ground, they had a game room. I was guessing it would be bad just like the rest of the grounds, but maybe the game room would be nicer like most. When we got to the game room and the playground, they were just like the rest of the place. There were dangerous rusty metal objects all over and some kid could get very hurt on that stuff. And the toys and things there were old and falling apart. Then we looked in the game room. There were five games and they were all out of order. The shack that they were in was very run down and was nearly going to fall down. After we got a look of that, we decided to look for the horses. Unlike the other things there, the horses were very well cared for. Their coats were glossy and their ribs didn’t show. They were eating comfortably and their manes were evenly cut. They were the best cared for thing there. Then we found out that they didn’t belong to the people that owned the dump. Thanks for reading!

- Nadya


K. Eyers said...

I enjoyed reading your comments, Nadya. I've stayed at some dumpy campgrounds myself. I didn't enjoy them, but it's doable, and it made me appreciate decent ones. I dropped Kelly off at Concordia soccer camp this morning, so reading your comments was a pleasurable reminder of such nice girls.

Two years ago, we treked to South Dakota to see the Black Hills and the Badlands. We enjoyed our stay there. We have a picture of Kelly on that same Jackalope. I don't know how to attach it here, though. It was on this trip that Kelly almost stepped on a rattle snake. But alertness goes a long way towards safety. She saw it rise up and rattle, and stopped in her tracks. We all backed away slowly and she was fine. The
Lord is good to us.

Happy Trails!

Mrs. Eyers

Daisy & Family said...

Kelly has never told me that she had been to Wall Drug before. Did you see the dinosaur roar? We had been waiting a long time and when it finally went off, we were startled.
What year did you go, because Kelly never told me. Thank you for writing and liking my comments!

Unknown said...

Hi Tenges Family! Grant here. This is a really cool thing, this trip and blog stuff. Funny thing is that you guys are following the footprints of various trips that I had as a kid with my family. Must be the thing to do when you're from Wisconsin and have to head westwards. I'm sure I have pix of myself in front of that Corn Palace and Wall Drug, but from 1966 or so. Then we did it again in 1995 when Paulina was 5 months old. Hope you got some of those famous Wall Drug bumper stickers; they'd look great on a Porsche! Keep the updates coming, and have fun! Grant

Trish J said...

Thanks for all the info Nadya. The Juranitch/Marlins just returned from our "adventure." and are now busy catching up on your blog. It seems the "stay on the trail/follow the signs" is going to be an ongoing theme on this trip!!!!! Keep the stories coming, we are living vicariously!!! (And hope to make a similar trip in the future!) Have fun, stay safe and keep us up to date!!!!


PS Laura says hi to Sveta and wants her to write a little bit too!!! She misses her!!!