Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Grand Canyon by Nadya

On June 23, 2008, we went to the Grand Canyon. When we got there, I couldn’t wait to get to the sight-seeing area. But first, Mom told us to go to the gift shop to get postcards for our scrapbooks. Sveta and I went into the gift shop and got immediately distracted. There was so much stuff! It looked like there were Indian beads and there was a lot of jewelry. Because Mom said at Wall Drug that we were probably going to get our ears pierced this summer, Sveta and I went to the earring section immediately. We saw all sorts of different kinds of materials for the earrings. There was opal, genuine gold, and many more jewels and gems. I showed Mom some of the really cool ones, and she saw that the prices were ridiculously low, she agreed to buy each of us a pair. I got opal ones, and I don’t know what Sveta got.

Then we went to the place where you get to see The Grand Canyon. I took so many pictures. It was so very large. Dad told me that we were seeing only about 10% of it. I thought it was big enough. Then we walked down a trail that was ¼ of a mile long. We hiked there and back. At the end, we stopped and took pictures. I took so many that my camera is nearly half way full. It was HUGE. It had many layers of sand packed in it that it didn’t almost look like rock. And the lines were not going side-to-side, they were going up-and-down. It was strange, but yet pretty. After we took all the pictures that we wanted, we started the long hike back. Sveta found a very cool flower. It was red and it had separate long petals. It was not tall. But the stem was sort of tall.

Thank you and please leave a comment. I will comment back to you if write to me!

1 comment:

Jane McCormick said...

Hi Nadya and Family,
I have been reading your posts now and then and finally have time to send you a message today! So much for the relaxing pace of summer... I am so impressed with the amazing gift you are creating. You are making wonderful memories by keeping this blog, and your photos are breathtaking! This is a trip you will share with your own children one day! You are all great writers; even Daisy! Thanks for letting all of us come along. It has truly been a pleasure. I'll enjoy the rest of the trip!

Be safe and enjoy the ride,
Jane McCormick